Energy healing

The Universal Twin Flames' Healing Path

22 Mai 2023

Since April 2018, I have been through a strange process and I am today nearly at the end of discovering the whole truth about it. 
I must say that I was unable to talk about this becau...

Astral Projection Training Program Level 3

09 Avr 2021

This new Training Program is divided in two important parts or levels but in one. The first part is related to discovering and diving more into non physical dimensions; the second is about healing ...

« Transcendance »: Meeting My Crew From The Pleiades

11 Avr 2020

Preparing For Astral Projection
It was in between 6-9 am. I woke up early for my self healing and karma clearing sessions. They’re two different sessions I do sometimes in early morning and some ...

Transcendent Alchemist Healers Who Are They ? What Is Their Mission ?

11 Avr 2020

My Path
Few years ago, on 2007-2012, I was experiencing a deep transformational journey at a spiritual, personal and professional levels. I was seen by many people as a deeply sensi...

4 articles

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Your Sacred Masculine isn't Always that Sacred

The Universal Twin Flames' Healing Path

Sagesse / Wisdom

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