My Training Program : Level 1



I have been spiritually guided to create my own training program for a client who asked me to help and guide her, and it is different from all that you have known before with others, for many reasons.

I will explain these reasons later on, in this article.

It actually contains a lot of guidance and healing during 6 weeks in which we will be meeting two times each week: the first time for a healing session and the second time for a video chat.


The Healing Session lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the information which comes through.

The information comes from higher vibrational dimensions the Crystalline Light of Grace will send you to, during the healing sessions.

You will experience, witness and receive the energy from there, which will allow you to astral travel during and after the session itself.

It will enhance your abilities to have out of body experiences as it is meant to make you vibrate at a very high level.


During the video chat with me, we will be discussing topics around astral projection and travels at many levels, and in its most profound layers.


I am currently trying to finish my own book which, I hope, will be published by the end of this year.


This book contains amazing experiences I have been through, and which have strengthened my knowledge about astral projection and travels, as a spiritual process of healing, and my abilities to be conscious and awake during these travels.

I have been and still am doing a lot of inner work to be focused and aware on the way I leave my physical body, and where I go. I always come back with new frequencies  of light, and information from the places I visit.


My program is different:

1- it has a particular privilege : during the video chat you will always receive directly healing energy from me, as I am a natural channel, energy will flow spontaneously to you.   

2- It is a space to exchange with you about your own experiences and decipher their spiritual meaning, which I directly channel from Spiritual Guides who are standing beside us. They come around to assist and heal and guide us.

This is completely true and a great advantage for those who want to feel secure and safe when they do astral travels. Their energy will never leave you.

3- There will be certain topics that we will discuss and information about how to focus before, during an astral projection? How to induce in a deep transe state?  What is the astral plane? How does it feel to be in the astral? How to have access to the astral plane while being completely in your physical body? What are « Time » and « Space »? How the reality of the material world is completely different from the astral world? How to navigate dimensions? How to put a target? and many other things to learn…

This program isn’t general, it is only a view or an idea of what it could be, because I understand and know that each person has specific needs to be guided.

So with each person I will for sure add some topics and techniques that would allow her to become a good astral traveller. The information I get from each person are for most of them during the first healing session. I can evaluate the level of experience the person has and what she needs to be a better traveller.


Why healing sessions are included ?

I have access to parallel worlds when I activate the healing frequencies I hold, as a former Foundational Reconnective Healer, since 2013, who received a huge upgrade with Crystalline Light of Grace SM since July 7, 2016.

The spectrum of energy I work with and hold is very powerful because it connects both the healer and the client to parallel realms, and directly to a powerful field of light and information.

The more you will receive this energy in your vessel and the more you can access your parallel lives, your akashic records and your true identity as a soul.

I must say that everyone has its own level of spiritual growth, thus everyone will have access to his soul’s memories and personal healing at a different and individual level.


This energy won’t leave you. And if you give yourself the opportunity to be fully conscious and focused during the healing sessions, your level of awareness and awakening would for sure take a new direction.

In this, and as it is a soul journey in itself, healing isn’t an equal process because everyone has its own challenges to learn from, while in a human physical vessel.


Astral exploration is a way to find our place in the current awakening journey we are all in now, to find answers to our most profound questions about ourselves and what we came here to do.

It is also a way to do this by yourself, and to dig deeper into your spiritual growth.

Astral Travelling has only one purpose : To experience the spiritual being we are while incarnating in a physical vessel. Dissociating from the physical with ease and confidence, opens us to who we are at a soul level. We can move from a plane to another, visit different worlds and dimensions of planet earth and other planets. See ourselves living in other planets or other dimensions of earth. Much more, we begin with time to be acquainted to traveling in gateways in the wide quantum field.. This is very very interesting and powerful experiences one can have, observing oneself during these travels in 360 degrees…


This training is not automatically the same for each person. It is developed by me and directly with the seeker who comes to me for help and guidance. I believe that we are not all equal in terms of how we can, and are able to have an astral projection. Some may learn very quickly, and some others not.


During the video chat sessions, there is a healing that takes place as I am a natural channel who is able to heal spontaneously without using my hands. This is given to me to help more those who come to me.

The purpose of each session (Healing and the Video Chat sessions) is to help you energetically to become more able to have more conscious astral projections and travels, and to understand your own experiences, as each experience holds information about your spiritual growth.


This is what makes my program unique and special.



First Week

1- A Healing Session (1 hour approximately) with a channeled feedback, to guide your steps into your journey.

2- First Chat few days later : Focusing Process & Breathing Techniques. Preparing to Astral Projection


Second Week

1- A Healing Session (1 hour approximately) with a feedback.

2- Second Chat: Understanding the Astral World: how is works? Learning how to access it.


Third Week

1- A Healing Session (1 hour approximately) with a  channeled feedback.

2- Third Chat: Understanding your Astral Body; How to feel it and direct it during an astral travel. Viewing Your Nearest Astral Plane and How to Explore Your Nearest Space. Navigating with your Third Eye.


Fourth Week

1- A Healing Session (1 hour approximately) with a channeled feedback

2- Fourth Chat: To be Shown Past/Parallel Lives During Astral Travelling : The Spiritual Healing Path. Past or Parallel Lives? How to consider them?


Fifth Week


Astral Travel Beyond Space and Time 1 : How to Consider Space on the Astral Plane? Infinity… Open Doors… Different Realities?


Sixth Week

Astral Travel Beyond Space and Time 2: How to consider the concept of time on the Astral Plane? Open Timelines… Shifting Timelines… How to know if we are in open or shifting timelines? How to bring back information from there?


To Conclusion

If you need to go further, on your journey, you can subscribe to Level 2, which is another gateway that would open for you…

With time and healing and discussing many topics including how to come back to a parallel /past life and heal what needs to be healed for your own growth.


Astral Travelling is a process we go through and we are allowed to enhance with the help of our guides/ Higher self/ Angels… With time we can become soul carriers helping on astral those who need us when they pass away.

During the current pandemic, I have allowed my guides to use my astral body to help carrying the souls of many who departed. I often feel a strong and burning energy in my hands when I do that. It is highly vibrational and nurtures my soul too. This energy is provided for me to help me when I carry souls. Most of the time I can be conscious of this, some other times I am not allowed to know more than the fact that I did the work for some souls who needed my assistance and help.


We come here for a purpose. Having healing abilities and other psychic abilities is given for us to be in service. It is the higher purpose of astral projection too. Once we go deeper into our journey, our spirit become lighter and we begin experiencing some amazing trips meeting so many beings and souls from other planets too.


It is a learning process because learning is part of what we came here to do.



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