In the realm on the twin flames' connection, things never happen as we wish.... Most of the time, the physical reality comes to remind us that we are incar...
In the realm on the twin flames' connection, things never happen as we wish.... Most of the time, the physical reality comes to remind us that we are incar...
Since April 2018, I have been through a strange process and I am today nearly at the end of discovering the whole truth about it.
I must say that I was unable to talk about this becau...
Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences
Introduction: Information about the Astral Plane
Tips and information about astral projection and out of body experiences can be very helpful to u...
This process is meant to create Light Souls by activating the crystalline light body in the human vessel. It is up to anyone to understand that our human vessel is meant to evolve t...
My Level Two Program is about going more profoundly in what we can experience, witness and learn from astral travelling.
I will actually provide you with the possible lessons you...
My Training Program : Level 1
I have been spiritually guided to create my own training program for a client who asked me to help and guide her,...
Few days ago, a friend sent me a short message asking me if I could help him produce astral projections. As I have said before, I dedicated myself to help those who feel like they ar...
July 20, 2020, Energy Update and Channeled Message
We are bathed in deep transmutation energies entering a portal of change. This portal holds the key codes to this powerful year multiplying the n...
My Path
Few years ago, on 2007-2012, I was experiencing a deep transformational journey at a spiritual, personal and professional levels. I was seen by many people as a deeply sensi...
Voici quelques réflexions sur mon expérience de l'Amour. Je pense que ce qui m'a guidée vers la guérison est cette force d'Amour qui est en moi. Donner pour recevoir du bonheur. Comme toute énergi...
Tous les rayons sont des outils de travail en accord avec les Anges, les Archanges et les Maîtres Ascensionnés. Leur utilisation régulière amène un profond changement positif dans nos comportements...
Le Cycle d'Atlantis dans mon parcours spirituel durant l'année 2017 a été ponctué par des projections astrales dans la nouvelle cité d'Atlantis quelque part dans un univers parallèle autour de la C...